Almost done!

Friends, I can hardly believe that our second week of ministry is nearly over. The past few days have been very hectic and I've had little time to update, but good things have been happening.

On Tuesday, we adjusted our teaching schedule to fit a full morning of Experiencing God in before lunch, some teaching from Les on Bible topics before dinner, and Arameh's science presentation in the evening. We were able to present a lot of material, but there was not a lot of time for the attendees to rest and do crafts or outdoor activities, so on Wednesday we reduced our teaching to only in the morning. God has allowed us all to be very flexible and happy to present whatever is needed.

On Wednesday evening, we again visited the local church in Modra and were blessed to be in fellowship there. We also gave an extremely truncated overview of Experiencing God.

We've also done some traveling. On Wednesday, we visited Myjava area, and saw the house where Dana lived when she was young. We also saw the national monument and another castle... It seems castles are everywhere in Slovakia! On Thursday (today), some of our group went up the church tower in Modra and others went to local caves. We then visited a sanctuary for siberian tigers. We enjoyed seeing the sites as well as bonding with some of the ladies attending the retreat.

Please keep our team in prayer tomorrow. Pray that we will finish well and that God will use is to speak to the attendees. We have already seen some fruit, including one woman praying to have Jesus in her life.


  1. Greetings Slovak Team,

    Praying that you would finish well and that the seeds planted would produce spiritual fruit. Praise the Lord that one woman prayed to receive Jesus in her life. Praying that others would be drawn to the light and truth of Jesus.
    "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." "

    May God bless you as you finish your mission,



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